The Lure of Economic Nationalism: Beyond Zero Sum
“A bee line from Hirschman’s forgotten book to today’s perilous plight of multilateralism. Kenneth Reinert’s rigorous analysis is matched only by his erudition. And it is a page turner too.” – Petros C. Mavroidis, Columbia Law School
“An important, if depressing, analysis.” – Nature.
An Introduction to International Economics: New Perspectives on the World Economy
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“An excellent textbook on International Economics.” – Economic Record.

No Small Hope: Towards the Universal Provision of Basic Goods
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“Superbly written.” – Lanse Minkler, University of Connecticut.
“A call to action on an important subject.” – Population and Development Review.
“Bold, organized, and thoughtful.” – Social Science Journal.

Handbook of Globalisation and Development
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– Ian Goldin, University of Oxford, UK.

An Introduction to International Economics: New Perspectives on the World Economy
“One of the rare economic textbooks that students actually enjoy reading.”
– Robert Blecker, American University.

Globalization for Development: Meeting New Challenges
“Essential reading for anyone interested in globalization and development.” – Josesph Stiglitz, Nobel Laureate in Economics.
“A clear analytical framework for analyzing the impact of globalization on development.” – Lord Nicholas Stern.

The Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy
“Beautifully integrates the ideas, theories, institutions and policies… of the modern world economy.” – Reference and Users Service Quarterly.

Applied Methods for Trade Policy Analysis
“A standard reference for students of general equilibrium modeling of trade policy issues.”
– Randy Wigle, Wilfrid Laurier University.